11th Letter

My “Today”

To that one person,

How was your weekend? Me? It was a hectic one. First thing, I spent money wherein I shouldn’t, because I’m not earning nowadays. Then I ditched an old friend on her special day – she got mad obviously; so she wanted me to cope up with what I did and told me she will fetch me from home and that we’ll eat breakfast at her place – which I again rejected because my best friend would be very jealous. Though I attempted to tell my best friend that I wanted to eat breakfast with another friend because this and that – unfortunately,she just ended up mad. Now I’m asking myself, what mess did I just put myself into?

If I’ll put expression on your face while reading this, you would definitely be rolling your eyes thinking, she’s an adult so how can her friends affect her decisions? Hahaha You got me! It’s not that they affect me but it’s a choice I chose, I usually do not like to make my friends feel bad and I do not want the competition they are having right now. I just do not have the guts yet, but to my best friend “you just have to learn to share a bit.” That would solve everything else.

That’s how hectic my weekend was. Oh gawd! but today’s a different story. From hectic it leveled up to being dreadful. Well, I don’t want to tell you stuff that would make you choke on your food but my day was hell like (pervert problems haha). Just a hint, a boyfriend of a friend did something so outrageous (did an exhibition with his thingy and sent it to me). Problems came right at me like raindrops one after the other. Whew! Well, I don’t want to put the burden of all of them on you. I’m happy with just this.Thank you again for being there. Like you always do.



  1. robinrsmithio says:

    I just want to say, and this is coming from a guy, that you should never have to put up with that kind of perverted thing that guy did. And it is actually a sexual assault. You deserve better.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. kazelee28 says:

      Oh gawd! I really felt attacked and what’s disgusting he is a friends boyfriend in short he is as well is a friend. He did it not just once, a couple few times. I ignored the first video and didn’t mind thinking maybe it’s a mistake. Well when he sent one after another, I was sure that he was sending it to me. Well, I told my husband and my friend as well. They broke up and I blocked him in every sns account I have. Thanks dude for this one.😊


      1. Robin Smith says:

        Good on you! You did the right thing, for yourself and your friend. Take care.


      2. kazelee28 says:

        Thank you. Take care my dear.πŸ€—


  2. Robin Smith says:

    Good on you! You did the right thing, for yourself and your friend. Take care.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m sorry but your best friend is no friend if she gets mad if you want to see another friend. What kind of friend are you to not turn up for a friend’s birthday? You need to realise that your β€˜best’ friend is your worst friend, and you need to become a better friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. kazelee28 says:

      Hi Chrissie, I totally agree with you. I hated myself for being so stupid. I just didn’t grow up. I apologized but we all know that apology with no actions of remorse isn’t right and unacceptable. I am learning to become that better friend, I mean, to at least be a friend, a real one. You know what I mean right? You know, I smiled when I read your comment 😁 it’s so true that it reminded me of how shameful my actions and decision were.


      1. I’m really glad you realised this. We are no use to anyone if we cannot stand up by ourselves and be true to ourselves. Only then can we be a true friend. You weren’t stupid, just lacking courage.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. kazelee28 says:

        Thank you for being kind and not calling me stupid haha. But I find myself as one, lacking courage also fits me. Though at timea I don’t see it as lacking courage instead someone who just does not like complications, but with this attitude, I’ve hurt my friends more than just once. However, I’m doing really good recently. haha I’m proud and I know later I’ll be more better than yesterday, thanks to you too.😊


      3. We are all on a journey. I had no choice but to find courage because of disease. When we decide who we want to be, it’s much easier. But there’s accost to being a good friend.

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      4. kazelee28 says:

        That day, it was harsh but comforting. Thankful to you.

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      5. I did not intend to be harsh. Forgive me, please.

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      6. kazelee28 says:

        Oh! Sorry haven’t been online much, a family just died, we were still in our bereavement moment. I didn’t mean it that way my dear, your honesty was comforting actually. I am thankful.

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Please accept my condolences . Thank you for your reply. Best wishes,

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