Why Am I SPAM?

This is a bit lengthy, please have the patience to finish reading.

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I am just curious. So curious! Why am I spam? Oh well, like everybody knows I am just a newbie, so I really don’t know what went wrong. I seeked advise from blog sites that mentioned these kinds of problems (Haha!πŸ˜… I’m just not sure if I understood it right). Anways, they said that if you comment stuffs like “nice post”, “great share” and the likes of these, you are likely to be considered as spam (so I am spam, for real?😨). The explanation to this is that when you comment, it should be substantial to the content of the post. So, okay! it’s just that sometimes I’m being blown by the poetic creativity and emotion of the people I follow that words are impossible to find. And to keep it simple I decided to just at least let them know I liked it! (I think it was only thrice I commented that way, spam right away? GEE!😬) One more thing, links and urls in your comment, again considered spam (guilty!😢). Recently, I was nominated for an award and a challenge, where I happily accepted both (it’s fun!😁). But I think it’s one of the major reasons I am now considered SPAM (gggrrr…😬). It was through the comment section that I messaged my nominees and included the link to my post where they can check the rules and whereabouts of that nomination (so silly of me!😲 didn’t know anything😩). Β I hate it when things turn out like this.Β 

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Oh well! Just to clarify things I am not Spam, to all those I nominated and got irritated (hhmm..😳) I apologize for my ignorance (not because I don’t know I’m excused). I thought the nominations was fun, it was actually. But I respect those who I nominated and didn’t like the nomination, I apologize. Just one more request, if you are one of those I nominated and didn’t like it, please let me know (hey kaze, i****! no reply means not interested😨). I still hope you will let me know if you didn’t like it, rather than just branding me as SPAM (ignorance makes me frown..waaaahhh!😠). If one of you will tick me as Spam, Akismet will most likely tag me as spam when they filter comments. Thank You! Just needed to rant a bit..😁

Have a great day sweethearts!πŸ˜πŸ’•




  1. I just found a comment of yours in my Spam folder and have no idea why this happens to some bloggers. Your comments are kind and always appreciated! 🌷 🌼 🌸

    Liked by 2 people

    1. kazelee28 says:

      Thank you!😊 I’ve been tagged spam lately, I think it’s because when I nominated a few for awards and a challenge, then I left a link in the comment box too.., some maybe got irritated and tagged me spam then now Akismet recognizes me as spam..hahaπŸ˜… but it’s slowly getting better now, just mark me as not spam to take me out your spam folder…thanks love!😍😘

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Sabiscuit says:

    I hope you’re feeling better. Some people have their spam filter on strict so just about everything gets sent to moderation. You can petition akismet to untag you as spam. Some things are a “great share” and “nice” and at times we don’t have much else to say. Please don’t be discouraged. The rules are a bit hopscotch around these parts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. kazelee28 says:

      Awh!😱😳 thank you for the encouragement, and those warm words, it made me felt better..😍 I was planning to do that, now I’ve decided..! I felt a little off, because I really love chit chats, but I needed to take one step back, to prevent myself from being sent to the spam folder…hahaπŸ˜… thank you for this one love, it made me smile..😘

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sabiscuit says:

        Anytime. We’ve all had those days when we felt we couldn’t. I’m glad your feeling better. Thank you also for the lovely words on Flight. Best wishes for March.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. kazelee28 says:

        Thank you love..😍 Best wishes for you too..😘

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I found your comment in my spam today and I wasn’t to happy with wordpress for doing. Sorry 😦

    Liked by 1 person

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